Wednesday, August 16, 2006


With talk of expanding our solar sytem to 12 planets in the headlines today, it reminded me of a story I was researching a few years ago that is still way too far under the radar in the mainstream media.

I have been a space nut since I was kid, going back to when I was 8 or 9 writing letters to NASA and ordering moon maps and mission reports. I've always followed America's space program and for years the plan for America to make it to Mars was to launch first to the moon, build a base there, then launch from there to Mars. Because of the moon's low gravity it would require less energy to get to Mars making the trip cheaper. NASA likes cheaper.

Well, this was the plan until one scientist finished his study and showed that a straight shot from Earth to Mars was the much more economical way to go. NASA likes cheaper. So, the plan changed to the straight shot method and it stayed that way for a couple of years if I remember right.

Then, one day President George W. Bush shows up at, of all places, NASA and makes a speech declaring America is headed to building a moon base and launching from there to the Red Planet. Whoa! Hold on a minute! I knew scientists had ditched those plans awhile back so I thought something sounded fishy.

Knowing George and his cronies, I immediately jumped on Google and typed in Moon and Fuel. Voila! Helium 3. Tons of it. A million tons of it. Enough for the entire Earth for a 1000 years. Now, who is lining up ready to strip mine the moon and sell us our own fuel. Who knows, but I bet you can take a really good guess, and you can also bet they'll have no-bid contracts tucked away in their space suits.

The problem with mining the moon by use of a corporation is that it will surely violate The Outer Space Treaty. What? Didn't know we had one of those? Well, you should check in more often with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. What? You never heard of such an office? Next you're going to tell me you've never heard of our Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space which states that "the exploration and use of outer space shall be carried on for the benefit and in the interests of all mankind".

We have enough problems down here on Earth with religions, fuel, and food sources that cause conflict after conflict. Here's a good chance to get rid of one of them. That's all I'm asking. Let's get rid of one of our problems - just one. Bring the fuel down here, subsidized internationally and then we can have cheap fuel for everyone. People will still get to make money. It has to be transported and set up with fueling stations I'm sure - keep your shirts on.

The only way to peace is to provide internationally. For those that are thinking we'd never get enough countries to agree on what their contributions would be to the fund in relation to what they get back, keep in mind, I don't think the scientist even know how to turn this Helium 3 into a fuel quite yet. They just know they can. So, we've got plenty of time.


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