Saturday, September 09, 2006


Chrystia Freeland from The Financial Times made an EXCELLENT point on the McLaughlin Group today as they were talking about whether Bush deserved credit for deflecting terror attacks on U.S. soil, and that is: what we have not seen in the U.S. is American born Muslims rising up in concert with their jihadist brethern around the globe as some pockets have done in Europe and abroad.

This speaks volumes, to me at least, that the American people and the American culture are more likeable, more adept at spreading our values and ideals, and on the whole will more easily absorb another culture's traditions, values and messages rather than our own American government.

It is the American government that has sparked terrorism across the globe and it is the American government that has waged its own war on terror and it will only be the will of the American people that brings a stop to this war, to this government's imperialist intentions, and any kind of lasting peace to the world.


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