Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I remember reading Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 in college and writing a paper on it for my broadcasting class. In the story that is set in the not too distant future people are entertained by watching reality shows of fugitive's running from the police. Sound familiar? The book discussed themes like Individual vs. Society, the importance of literature as our historical benchmarks, the value of entertainment over real relationships, etc.

In Orwell's 1984, we read about Big Brother and the ever watchful Thought Police. These grey outlooks on society as a whole told us that we were destined to be controlled, watched, and manipulated by a faceless upper class wielding their superior technology over us.

I find it funny now, that what none of them saw was the progress of technology to the point where it's bulk would shrink to the size of the individual, it's value would succumb to the supply and demand of the greater size consumer base and at last fall into the wrong hands - our hands.

They maybe watching us, but there's a hell of a lot more of us watching them.


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