Saturday, June 02, 2007


As you've heard by now the DEMS talk a good game during elections but then they completely fold when confronted with any tough decisions that might possibly reflect on their abilities - not to govern - but to get reelected.


The REPUBS know who their base is. They speak directly to them. Their messages are targeted directly at their base. They could care less what liberals in the Blue States think of them. In fact, when we are addressed in some Cap Hill speech, it's usually in an insulting or condescending manner. The REPUBS don't care if the liberals like them. They don't care if they are losing the "Blue" vote. In fact, they're hard at work making sure less DEMS get a chance to vote in the 2008 elections.

When the DEMS blinked you heard the same thing from everywhere: "They don't want to be seen as being weak on terror, or weak on that". Seen by WHO??!! Seen by me? I voted for them? I know what they have to do. I've called my Senators and Representatives and told them CUT THE FUNDING!!! There's plenty of money out there to shut things down. You're not leaving anyone out in the foxhole trapped with no bullets in their guns like in some bad John Wayne movie.

If their worried about "someone" seeing them as being weak on anything it's only the Republican voters that would think that, and guess what? THEY'RE NOT GOING TO VOTE FOR YOU ANYWAY!! Stop trying to steal red voters away from the REPUBS and concentrate on signing up NEW Democratic voters. I would hazard to guess that there's more unregistered DEM voters than REPUB voters. Just a hunch. GET THEM REGISTERED. Democrats must register more voters than the Republicans are plotting on "scrubbing". That's how we're going to win the White House - by VOTES not by being seen as pro military.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are off base on the problems with dems and why they are screwed up.

Their real problems are becaues they have lost sight of what they say their goals are. They are no longer working to help the poor and middle classes. A democrat should be supporting national health care, but they recieve too much money from the insurance companies to help relieve the public for the rising costs. A democrat should be standing up to the oil companies with the rising price of gas, same thing. A democrat should even be standing AGAINST illegal immigration. It used to be that kids could get out of high school and make a decent living in construction, or other labor related jobs. Women used to be able to get jobs in hotels, as house keepers, kids used to be able to get jobs at fast food restaurants. Now, those jobs are all gone, and the people working them are working for less, and the big businesses are making more and more.

As long as Democrats are gong to act like republicans, and not support the poor but just support the big business and wealthy donors. Then we might as well vote for those that act like republicans.

They use this war to keep our eyes off the real issues. Don't fall for it.

Bryan Gibford

6/02/2007 9:10 PM  
Blogger Bobot Adrenaline said...

lost sight of what they say their goals are

Well, they didn't totally lose sight. They went into stop the corruption of the Bush administration and when they totally caved in to the President on Iraq, I got an e-mail from Howard Dean that day talking about - not Iraq - but all the scandals the REPUBS had been involved in. Yeah, nice try Howie.

kids used to be able to get jobs at fast food restaurants. Now, those jobs are all gone,

Those jobs are all gone? That's a little overboard. There are kids working in fast food chains everywhere. Every fast food joint I walk into has a help wanted sign AND some kid behind the counter.

A democrat should be standing up to the oil companies

The DEMS did vote to roll back about $15 billion in taxpayer subsidies right when they took control of the House.


They need to get their butts in gear on that one. I'm not waiting til the end of Hillary's SECOND TERM to get universal healthcare. That was a load of crap!

6/03/2007 2:06 AM  

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