Monday, August 27, 2007


Sorry, CITIZEN ALERT has been away for awhile. I've been moving, so I'm slowly getting back to my regular schedule and will start posting again.

A lot has happened since my last post, so I'm not going to even try to catch up. Rove is gone and today Alberto Gonzalez resigned. The rats are deserting this sinking ship of an adminstration.

The one thing this week that I don't think anyone is attacking at least from the DEMS side is this article I read, I believe, on MSNBC that Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-al-Maliki lashed out at all the DEMS for calling for his replacement. It was Democrat this and Democrat that. Bill Kristol from the PNAC and Tony Blankley from the McLaughlin Group both have stated that he needed to be replaced, so with those two big REPUB mouth pieces on the march you can't tell me that the REPUBS are feeling the exact same way.

And what message would we be sending if we were to replace an elected foreign official that WE, a country on the other side of the world, didn't think was keeping our best interests in mind.

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