Thursday, September 14, 2006


Before I move on to today's CITIZEN RED ALERT, I must say goodbye to one of my favorite Governors, Ann Richards. Fellow Texan, fellow Baylor Alumni, she was fun to watch because she always spoke her mind and often in ways you wouldn't expect a politician to speak. She had her misteps and controversy but on the whole I enjoyed watching her career.

Now, on to today's RED ALERT! Remember, RED ALERTS mean you will be asked to BE A CITIZEN by participating in your own government.

Today is the day to send word out to our dear Governor, who has recently raised California minimum wage to the highest in the country, to further his education on liberal issues by sending him an urgent letter to support the passing of two bills.

The two most common causes of wrongful conviction are mistaken eyewitness identification and false confessions. Modern DNA evidence has proven that innocent people are sent to prison for crimes they did not commit far more often than we think. But we can change that.

The California Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice is a blue ribbon Commission chaired by former Attorney General John Van de Kamp, and made up of prosecutors, law enforcement officers, and defense attorneys. To prevent wrongful convictions and make sure that the guilty person is caught, the Commission has recommended that police be required to use modern, “best practices” in line up procedures and that all interrogations be recorded in cases of violent felonies.

Two bills passed by the California Legislature and on the Governor’s desk would make these reforms law.

SB 1544, authored by Senator Carole Migden, would improve California’s eyewitness identification procedures, using scientific standards. Improving these procedures will simultaneously decrease the rate of wrongful conviction and increase our ability to convict those who are truly guilty.

SB 171, by Senator Elaine Alquist, would require that interrogations of individuals in custody for violent offenses be electronically recorded. Experts agree that recording interrogations is the most important reform to prevent false confessions and ensure that the guilty are convicted.

Write to the Governor and urge him to sign SB 1544 and 171!

Click the link above and fill in your name and a letter is automatically generated for you and sent to the Governor. It's very simple and quite a little impressive system they have set up. You even have the option of writing your own letter.


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