Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Keep this word in mind when you start to hear things about Iran, and bomb building and "Israeli intelligence says", and bomb triggers and so forth.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stovepiping refers to retrieval of filtered information from disconnected sources lacking context, which may in turn lead to decisions lacking common sense. The term also refers to barriers that form within organizations or databases that preclude normal or rational responses to ongoing events. Theoretically, higher authorities would want to avoid making decisions based solely on information, rendered by disconnected information systems or underlings, that has not yet been adequately scrutinized.

In the intelligence community, stovepiping is often used to characterize the inappropriate transmission of raw information to high-level officials that could lead to misguided policies, as sometimes happens with military intelligence.

The Office of Special Plans was created by the Bush administration to stovepipe raw intelligence to high level officials, thus circumventing the normal vetting process. This was done so that information that would have otherwise been deemed unreliable by intelligence analysts could instead be incorporated into claims of WMD possession and collaboration with Al Qaeda by Iraq, thus facilitating the the 2003 Invasion of Iraq.


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