Sunday, November 30, 2008

HR 1531

Dear Representative,

I urge you to co-sponsor Rep. Jerrold Nadler's H.Res. 1531 urging President Bush not to pardon senior members of his administration for crimes authorized by the President - and to investigate those crimes both in the House and the Justice Department, and prosecute if warranted.

(1) it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the granting of preemptive pardons by the President to senior officials of his administration for acts they may have taken in the course of their official duties is a dangerous abuse of the pardon power;

(2) it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the President should not grant preemptive pardons to senior officials in his administration for acts they may have taken in the course of their official duties;

(3) it is the sense of the House of Representatives that James Madison was correct in his observation that "[i]f the President be connected, in any suspicious manner, with any person, and there be grounds [to] believe he will shelter him, the House of Representatives can impeach him; they can remove him if found guilty";

(4) it is the sense of the House of Representatives that a special investigative commission, or a Select Committee be tasked with investigating possible illegal activities by senior officials of the administration of President George W. Bush, including, if necessary, any abuse of the President's pardon power; and

(5) the next Attorney General of the United States appoint an independent counsel to investigate, and, where appropriate, prosecute illegal acts by senior officials of the administration of President George W. Bush.



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Monday, November 24, 2008


Today President Elect Obama is planning on unveiling his Economic Dream team to get us out of this mess with an "infusion of money for infrastructure projects, new environmental technologies and tax cuts for low- and middle-income taxpayers." The DOW is currently up 240 points, let's see how it reacts to Obama's "New Deal" by close of day.

It's already gotten a preliminary thumbs up from appointments of Timothy Geithner as treasury secretary and Lawrence Summers as head of the National Economic Council as well as New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson as his commerce secretary. Look for Congress to have a recovery package all laid out for him to sign the moment he steps into the White House on Day 1.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008


This today from the NO FEAR INSTITUTE:

Coleman-Adebayo is a senior policy analyst and whistleblower at the EPA. She has recently received a notice of proposed removal. Congressman Chris Van Hollen has written a letter to EPA administrator Stephen Johnson, stating: "Given that Dr. Coleman-Adebayo has several complaints currently pending against the EPA ... I urge you to reconsider the Notice of Proposed Removal ..." Coleman-Adebayo is president of the No Fear Institute. She said today: "[The Bush administration is] embedding their foot soldiers inside the government in order to sabotage any Obama initiatives while at the same time terminating federal employees who they assume would be supportive of the new administration." Coleman-Adebayo is in contact with many other current and former government whistleblowers.

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Saturday, November 08, 2008


Well with CITIZEN ALERT in its 3rd year a slower year by far for posts as I have been extremely busy, I just wanted to take this time to say, yea, Obama won! Never my first choice for President, but I'm glad he has Biden on board with him and he truly has a gift for pumping people up and inspiring people to change things so I am 100% behind him. And the moment I see him screw up I will be the first to throw the hammer down.

Things are a little crazy in California because of Prop 8 passing. When are people going to recognize that California is one giant RED STATE in disguise. So, here's CITIZEN ALERT's take on all the hoo ha.

First off, I voted No on PROP 8. Second off, I really hate having to vote either way cause I don't like either side's position entirely. I think gay people MUST enjoy the same rights and privileges allotted to everyone by the U.S. Constitution, period. Having said that, I am a HUGE, and I mean HUUUGE, believer in separation of Church and State. HUGE!! And this is where the Prop 8 vote gets messy for me.

California has domestic partnerships (DP) that afford rights to same sex couples like a married heterosexual couple would have although just by the fact that they can list these rights on a page makes me think they forgot a few. The problem with people saying that "gays don't need marriage they have domestic partnerships" is like saying 1) they don't need my drinking fountain they have their own and 2) the Federal Government doesn't recognize the DP. If you're married in California, you're married everywhere you go, not so with a DP. That's not equal guys.

For people, like my bass player, Corey, who think the kids are going to get picked on at school because their parents are gay and we have to "save" the children, well for one, my parents were quite heterosexual Southern Baptists and I don't think anyone in history was more picked on in school than me, so that argument doesn't work. Not to mention the fact that even if you outlaw gay marriage, that doesn't stop them from having kids, but when they split up just like heterosexual couples do, then you've created a giant mess of legal problems and serious strife for the kids.

So, now for the other side. The homosexual community that insists on being "married". WHY?!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY!!?!?!? WHY!?!?!?!!?!? You know I get it as it stands now. Separate but equal, I get it, but seriously WHY?!! The term marriage is a religious term. It has biblical roots. Why would you insist on being "recognized" by a sect of society using their terminology that really really hates you? It's like gay people marching into a church and insisting that the church rewrite the Bible so that it says being gay is okay! They have a right to be idiots; they're not changing anything so why try? It makes it seem like instead of standing up for your rights you are attacking religion.

Here's the way it SHOULD be and I've been saying this for years. EVERY COUPLE should be required to have a civil union recognized by the Federal government. When you go down to City Hall you get a Civil Union license NOT a marriage license. Our government blurred the line between church and state when they put the word MARRIAGE on a government document. Now after you get your civil union license, if you want to get married too, then yea!! I'm thrilled, go do it, go to your church and get married, I'll come and throw rice but the Federal Government SHOULD NOT CARE. It should only recognize civil unions for heterosexuals AND homosexuals. THAT IS EQUAL.

Now, is the federal government going to yank the word marriage off the document? NO! So, then we have to unfortunately fight for homosexuals to be "married". Makes no sense to me, but I will support it because those same rights that married heterosexuals have that are recognized in EVERY state must be the same for EVERY AMERICAN. Doesn't matter that the majority of people voted to give certain Americans more civil rights than other Americans, that's why we have courts to interpret these laws and overturn the ones that are meant to smash into a million pieces everything America is supposed to stand for.

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