Saturday, August 26, 2006


Having had dinner the other night with a young 21 year old just back from 7 months in Iraq, I appreciate what our soldiers are doing overseas given the unfortunate circumstances that our government has put them in. I not only say thank you to the heroes over there fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan but the heroes here at home who had the courage to say enough is enough.

From CITIZENALERT! reader Jason:

Lt. Watada's Mother Asks For Your Support
By Carolyn Ho
t r u t h o u t Letter
Tuesday 15 August 2006

Dear Fellow Americans and Citizens of the International Community,

I am the mother of Lt. Ehren Watada, an officer stationed at Ft. Lewis. He was part of a Stryker brigade unit that deployed to Iraq on June 22nd. On that fateful day, he quietly defied the movement order and chose not to board the plane with his men. Despite unrelenting pressure to conform from the day he submitted his request for discharge (in January 2006) to the day of deployment, he remained true to his conviction. He believed that he could support his men best by not leading them into an illegal war and occupation that had already claimed countless Iraqi and American lives. He believed that he could serve them by taking a stand against the war rather than an being an accomplice in a policy that uses our troops for immoral, unethical purposes.

Through rigorous scrutiny of the facts, gleaned through research and consultation with experts, inside and outside of the military and the structures of government, he concluded that he could no longer be silent while atrocities were committed in the name of democracy. He could no longer be a tool of an administration that used nothing but deception and lies to make the case for pre-emptive war. He realized that he had not relinquished the freedom to choose what is right and that the freedom to choose what is right transcends the allegiance to man and institutions.

As an officer, his duty is to support and defend the US Constitution, against enemies foreign and domestic, and to obey only lawful orders. In refusing to deploy to Iraq, Lt. Watada fulfilled his duty. In response, the military charged him with missing movement, contemptuous remarks against the president and behavior unbecoming to an officer. Taken together, these charges amount to 7 years in a military prison.

As a mother, I have taken the first step in "a journey of a thousand miles." My son's decision raised to my awareness the disconnect between what I had taught him and what I was really willing to have him do. Initially, the moment of truth stared me down, and I honestly could not find words to justify that self-centered, protective response that whispered, "Not my son. Let someone else's son be a hero." Needless to say, this experience became a life-changing event. I have nothing but admiration and respect for the course my son has chosen. He has my unconditional support. I invite you to affirm your support of Lt. Ehren Watada now, during his pre-trial hearing on Aug 17th and 18th, and into the future. Whether or not he is permitted to submit evidence supporting his refusal to deploy and his first amendment rights remains to be seen. Nevertheless, the military must know that the world is watching and that justice must be served.

On August 16th, National Day of Education, groups nationally and internationally are asked to conduct teach-ins to address the illegality and immorality of the Iraq war and occupation and the message Lt. Watada conveys. Instruction and dialog can be conducted in schools, homes, churches, community centers, etc. In addition, rallies, bannering, vigils, etc. will be held at Ft. Lewis and throughout the US and abroad. This is an opportunity to raise consciousness, to empower and to inspire the masses to action.

Join us in laying the groundwork for mass mobilization and civil disobedience during the court-martial.

For updates on news and actions regarding Lt. Watada, for a downloadable tool kit to assist you in conducting a teach-in on August 16th, National Day of Education, for posters, leaflets, T-shirts and instructions for making a donation toward the Lt. Watada's legal defense fund, please refer to the official web site: .

Peace and Gratitude,
Carolyn Ho, (Ehren's Mom)


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