Wednesday, January 24, 2007


The guys at THINK PROGRESS have a great blow by blow video of the President's State of the Union speech backed up by facts to rebut much of Bush's speech.

Yesterday was a crazy day for news. SOTU speech, the Libby trial kicked off into HIGH gear as Libby's lawyers show that their plan is to dump the whole CIA leak right back in Cheney and Rove's laps. This is going to be interesting. Another aircraft carrier moved into the gulf off the coast of Iran, and the President of Israel has been indicted on RAPE charges! E. Howard Hunt died as well! Geeez!

For those who don't know E. Howard Hunt, he is the conspiracy theorist's wet dream. In the CIA, one of the Watergate plumbers, linked to the JFK assasination. I'll get back to this.

Oh Oh! Wait! I forgot one. Investigators think the Chechen police are linked to the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya. AAAAaa! My head nearly exploded yesterday morning, but I had no time to write.

Anyway, check out the Think Progress video and watch this trial with Libby closely. I think America will find out how deeply members of the Whitehouse were involved in the CIA leak. This is very important. This is the Bush Whitehouse unraveled and laid bare. Expect pardons, maybe earlier than you would expect.

Getting back to Hunt for a second, he summed up the philosophy of people like Libby and Cheney one time when he said that he didn't think he should have gotten in trouble for Watergate because he believed the presidents wishes were the law of the land, and that it was a mission like any other mission, this one just happened to be inside the United States. This is exactly how bent these people are. We are just window dressing, they are actually playing "the game". They owe us no explanations. This mentality must come to an end.


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