As the election day draws closer as well as the day the DEMS take over the House and possibly the Senate, I await not the election results on Nov 8th, but the official start of the Presidential race for 2008.
Who will be first out of the box? Sen. Joe Biden is already out there which makes him my first choice. And I'll tell you why by saying this, whoever doesn't run in 2008 and makes plans for a go at the Whitehouse instead in 2012, don't expect my vote.
This country is in dire straits, and the Republicans and Bush know the mess they've put us in with their foriegn policies. Their ONLY way out of it is to pass it on to a new administration so that they can sit back and write themselves out of the story. They are betting we'll remember who quit the war not who started it in the first place.
And the potential candidates know that the 2008 race is as appealing as the pox ridden blankets we gave the Native Americans. Whoever gets the job has an enormous potential for failure. I think that's why some reports have Hillary Clinton just "thinking" about 2008 - maybe looking to 2012. No way, I say. Any candidate who looks to 2012 is only thinking of their own career not this country. They are skipping the hard part and the next administration will be the hard part. It will not be an easy task and the person who gets the job may in fact go down in flames, but to me they will be a true patriot for even trying. They will be a true patriot for putting their country before their own political career by throwin themselves onto the land mine that is the awaiting Whitehouse.
Cheers to anyone who gives it a go be they Republican or Democrat.
Who will be first out of the box? Sen. Joe Biden is already out there which makes him my first choice. And I'll tell you why by saying this, whoever doesn't run in 2008 and makes plans for a go at the Whitehouse instead in 2012, don't expect my vote.
This country is in dire straits, and the Republicans and Bush know the mess they've put us in with their foriegn policies. Their ONLY way out of it is to pass it on to a new administration so that they can sit back and write themselves out of the story. They are betting we'll remember who quit the war not who started it in the first place.
And the potential candidates know that the 2008 race is as appealing as the pox ridden blankets we gave the Native Americans. Whoever gets the job has an enormous potential for failure. I think that's why some reports have Hillary Clinton just "thinking" about 2008 - maybe looking to 2012. No way, I say. Any candidate who looks to 2012 is only thinking of their own career not this country. They are skipping the hard part and the next administration will be the hard part. It will not be an easy task and the person who gets the job may in fact go down in flames, but to me they will be a true patriot for even trying. They will be a true patriot for putting their country before their own political career by throwin themselves onto the land mine that is the awaiting Whitehouse.
Cheers to anyone who gives it a go be they Republican or Democrat.
Speaking of senators running for president, here's an interesting article on my current pick for front-runner in in '08, Barack Obama.
There's some thought that '08 is too early, but I don't think so. A lighter voting record would be a positive, and he is a great speaker.
In this day and age where TV, visuals, and soundbites determine the shaping and presenting of a candidate, unfortunately only being smart and effective is not enough to win. It's an american idol country now where image and perceptions (think "the gut") are what determine votes. For example, even though W seems somewhat senile or simple-minded to most educated or metropolitan people, there are many voters out there that like his "common man" way of speaking and feel as though "he is someone that I can have a beer with." This is the person they see. Not what he actually does behind closed doors. In the modern age, a Democrat has to have the charisma/TV charm of a Bill Clinton, or be somewhat of a celebrity. Even though money/power is the main influence for both parties on political positions, Democrats have such a huge edge over Repubs in terms of policies that would help a majority of the people, or views held by a majority of the people (social programs, stem-cell research, evolution, etc). However, these haven't translated well in the current era because they can't express these views in a way that fits into a 30 second commercial, and they haven't been aggressive enough in presenting their views in the media the way right-wingers have.
Hopefully Obama has that star power that is needed.
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