Monday, November 27, 2006


Much to my delight I learned a little something this weekend not from the news, or a book or a newsletter, but from Citizen Alert reader Matt, who posted a news article about Cindy Sheehan which led me to do some research of my own on the subject.

In part of the article, it discussed her trip to South Korea and the village of Daechuri where farmers are locked in a sometimes violent protest against their government. The reason: U.S. Camp Humphrey's planned expansion west of 2,851 acres and into the Daechuri farms.

The Korean government obliged the U.S. base by reclaiming the farmland through imminent domain. The farmers disagreed. They have staged protests, roadblocks, and in return the government has torn down their school, ripped up their irrigation pump, filled their canal with concrete, and arrested many of the protesters.

This is the beginning of a global repositioning of U.S. forces that's goal is to allow the U.S. to:

1) fully defend the United States; [preemptive war]

2) maintain forces capable of "deterring aggression and coercion" in four "critical regions" (Europe, Northeast Asia, East Asia, and the Middle East/Southwest Asia); [occupy four regions at the same time]

3) maintain the ability to defeat aggression in two of these regions simultaneously; [wage two wars at the same time]

4) and be able to "win decisively" up to and including forcing regime change and occupying a country in one of those conflicts "at a time and place of our choosing." [run at least one of those countries ourselves]

This is known as the "1-4-2-1 defense strategy" found in The U.S. Global Posture Review: Reshaping America's Global Military Footprint.

more to come...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The other part of the story is that the move to Pyeongtaek (and out of Yongsan Post in Seoul), which will of course take land there, is part of a Korea-wide consolidation of U.S. forces there that will see a vast reduction in both the land area occupied by USFK as well as the number of individual posts. This is something the South Koreans have been asking for for years, what the U.S. agreed to over a decade ago, and what has only recently been funded by the ROK government (per the original agreement). That is, the U.S. move to Pyeongtaek is exactly what activist Koreans have been demanding for decades.

11/28/2006 4:32 PM  

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