Anyway, this is a guy who's made it his purpose in life to stop gay people from using the word marriage to describe their relationships when they decide to...well...get married. It's a tough job. It seems as if the whole world's against him. It's sooo tough, he's now likened his struggle in taking away the basic civil rights of gay Americans to the civil right activists who marched alongside Dr. King!
As we continue to build our national movement, we would do well to remember what my friend Dr. Walter Fauntroy, organizer of the March on Washington for Martin Luther King, once said when a reporter derisively commented on the difficulty of advancing our cause in Congress:
"As Dr. King's personal representative to the House and Senate, I can remember how our efforts to pass the Civil Rights Act were met with opposition year after year. We faced hostile committee chairmen. We faced hostile leaders in both parties - including many powerful Congressmen from the South. We also faced the scorn of some in the media. But we knew that our cause was just. And we knew that most Americans of goodwill supported our cause. So we came back year after year. At the time, we had a simple saying - and it's the same saying that would apply to the cause
of protecting marriage in our day. We used to say We Shall Overcome."
Eeegads! Well, let's go back to his newsletter. It seems Matt's come up with a two year plan.
I'm writing to you to give you a confidential overview of AFM's plans to advance our cause of strengthening and protecting marriage in America over the next two years.
Our opposition [that's the gay people] is engaged in a long-term effort to destroy marriage through the courts. In so doing, they will deeply advance the social damage of family disintegration in our society. They will also set the stage for the persecution of every community in America whose beliefs on the subject of marriage they deem to be a form of hatred and bigotry. Given the reality of this threat, we cannot afford to have any less of a long-term perspective.
Hmmm, we think that people who believe marriage is soley for a man and a woman, and any other belief is wrong makes them a bigot? That can't be what we think, let me look up the word bigot.
BIGOT: a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.
Oh. Well, then yeah I guess we do. Sorry, my mistake.
And it's not an effort to DESTROY marriage dumbass, it's an effort to join in. And what's with the advancing social damage of family disintergration? Do they really think the more gay people marry one another that less and less heterosexuals will populate the planet. Ask yourself, how many gay friends do you have? Think of any of your gay friends and ask yourself, are both their parents gay? Gay people come from hetrosexual parents 99.9% of the time I'd wager. So, in reality, HETEROSEXUAL MARRIAGE IS DESTROYING THE FAMILY STRUCTURE by producing homosexual people. The nerve of them!
I for one thought this was the route to go for the same sex marriage proponents. I thought if they gave up the federal fight and fought their battles state by state they'd find it easier. Well, as it turns out, I was very very wrong. They have won a few battles though and this is freaking Matt Daniels out so they have decided to go state to state as well.For example, in the aftermath of the 1994 elections, radical [radical means someone they don't agree with] activists recognized they would no longer be able to advance their political agenda through the federal legislative process. Thus, these radical groups turned their political machinery and resources to the state legislative process to advance their agenda. In turn, these efforts at the state level provided the foundation for the legislative agenda of these groups in the current Congress.
Now, on the flipside of all this, as much as I support same sex couples getting married, mainly because I really really don't care, I have yet to understand why they wouldn't stop at civil unions. The word marriage, the institution, it's straight out of a religious base that absolutely rejects them. If they get everything they want out of civil unions, and it should be fixed so that they do, then I really don't get what the extra fuss is other than wanting to rub the moral majority's face in the fact that the human condition is passing them by.
It's a like a black man fighting for the right to join and all white club, and then also wanting to join the KKK as well. I mean, yeah I guess I support you but why would you want to?!
Bush's daughter had her purse stolen at a restaurant in Argentina while under guard by the Secret Service. Hmmm. Someone's getting fired. If she had a camera phone in there, this could get interesting.
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