Monday, February 19, 2007


I think this was back during the early 90's, but leave it to the folks at the Sunshine Project to dig up some juicy documents from a U.S. Air Force proposal for new bio-chemical weapons. Some of their suggestions included:

(1) Chemicals that attract annoying creatures to the enemy position and make the creatures aggressive and annoying.

(2) Chemicals that make lasting but non-lethal markings on the personal

and the winner hands down is of course...

(3) Chemicals that effect human behaviour so that discipline and morale in enemy units is adversely effected. One distasteful but completely non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behaviour.

That's the ticket. If you don't give up your nuclear program we'll bomb you til you're totally gay dude. Don't even think about it! Is that aluminum tubing? Dude, I'm about to full on gay bomb you. Forget the stone age, man. If you don't turn over Bin Laden, I'll bomb you back to Studio 54.

Ah, the things we waste our time on. It boggles the mind. How about a bomb that grows corn? Work on that!


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