A GOLD STAR FOR MY REP. has giving my Representative Xavier Becerra a progressive thumbs up!
Progressives in Congress are standing strong—pushing for a swift, responsible exit that brings the troops home by the end of 2007. But Dick Cheney and the Republicans are on an all-out assault—saying that Democrats are "undermining the troops" by trying to end the war.1 And some Democrats in the middle are wavering.
Your representative, Rep. Becerra has been leading the way to get us out of Iraq quickly and safely and he could really use your support right now. Can you click below to thank Rep. Becerra and tell him to continue to push the leadership to bring our troops home by the end of this year?
Voters elected Democrats in November to end the war. And new polling shows that 58% of Americans want us out of Iraq by 2008 or sooner.2 Congress can make that happen, and your representative is on the hunt, but some representatives are afraid.
They're nervous about taking any measures to end the war. It's a political calculation—they don't want to "own" the war, they want it to be Bush's problem. That's a failure of leadership: How do you tell our troops that they're being asked to fight and die because Democrats don't want to "own" the war?
The truth is Congress will be responsible for the war only if they do nothing to stop it.
The details of the plan are being hammered out in the next few days, so your note today could matter a lot. It just takes a few minutes, but if we all push together, we can take a big step toward ending the war.
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